People are always saying that much of my artistic inspiration must have been derived from the home I grew up in, where my mother, assisted by faithful family members, myself included, has for years kept up a cozy wood-frame refuge surrounded in the Spring and Summer seasons by colorful flower beds, equally colorful birds and bird houses, and varieties of related knickknacks. If you want to find it (you might wait for Summer or late Spring, though), drive to Tunnel Hill, Georgia, and, time allowing, explore the winding, cavorting, seemingly endless backroads until, perhaps when you least expect it, you glide suddenly, silently, and exhilaratingly right up to the gates of paradise itself. But be vigilant; the backroads themselves will lull you quickly into peaceful, still bliss.
To this point, all of these photographs were taken in 2011 or 2012.
Both my mother and myself pop up in these photographs, occasionally.