A note from Jerry Morrison's Administrative Assistants...

A note from Jerry Morrison's Administrative Assistants about Mr. Morrison’s artist’s website:

Jerry does art.  He’s an artist.  He’s not much into writing.  Nor is he into building websites (though he enjoys computers). To this point, he's demonstrated very little interest in coming up with titles for the pieces he so conscientiously and lovingly works on.  (There is at least one exception to that rule.  He came up with the title "Rockwell Road" for that particular digital medium piece. )  And so it is that on Jerry’s behalf, we, Jerry’s administrative assistants for his artist’s website, assume the roles (voluntarily) of website builder, website writer, and, quite often, title-giver. 
His administrative assistants include a couple local Dalton/Chattanooga area artists and staff at Cross Plains Community Partner.

You may have noticed that when we write for Jerry at his artist’s website, we’ll sometimes write for him in the first person voice, and sometimes in the third person voice.   Sometimes, we’ll get a lot of stuff up for him on his website in a relatively short period of time; sometimes, we’ll go a long season—weeks, maybe months-- without getting anything up.   Suffice it to say, we do what we can for Mr. Morrison in the time we have to do it.  We do it because we love his art and because we think the world of Jerry Morrison.

Jerry has ready access to his website via his computer, and is constantly reminded he can check it out anytime he so chooses.  We keep him up on developments, and seek his feedback.  One thing for sure: he enjoys the attention his artwork brings him, and the people whom his artwork brings him into contact with.  This artist's website is hopefully another step in both of those directions; Jerry hopes so, too.

Thanks, Jerry, for the honor and privilege of supporting you as both an artist and a person.

We enjoy it.